Shoebox Appeal 2024

On Sunday 3rd November at Woodditton Church we had our annual shoebox packing event. As you may know we collect and fill shoeboxes with gifts for children (of different age groups) and for adult 'home' gifts. These go to those in most need in Eastern Europe, including Ukraine. We support a charity called T4u (Teams for You) which is Christian based but is non-denominational in that those of any faith or none are supported. The key message is to show those in most need that they are loved and supported, with gifts that come with love and our thoughts for their situation. 

After a short morning service we started packing and 50-60 people popped in to the church to join us. By 1:30 pm the fantastic total of 1,141 boxes had been filled and these were collected on Tuesday. After last year's record total of 931 boxes it was hard to believe that that total would ever be beaten. We of little faith!

This year Sharon Gale and her daughter Lucy (the main forces behind our efforts) will be travelling to Sarajevo in December to actually help distribute the boxes. Expect lots of tears, and hopefully some video that we can use next year to promote this most worthy 'Christian love in action' endeavour.

With thanks to all who played a part in this year's success.