Holy Communion

Holy Communion is the central act of worship in the Cheveley Group, as it is in most churches, since it was initiated by Christ himself at his Last Supper when he asked his followers to share bread and wine as symbols of his body and blood which he sacrificed for them and for all people.
So, when Christians meet to share this Communion with Christ and with each other it brings together all believers in heaven and on earth as the living "Body of Christ" where they are fed by him and then sent out in his Spirit to do his work in the world. It is the meal of God's Kingdom when all things past, present and future are brought together and offered up again in Christ's name and to his glory.
Consequently, there is a time of Confirmation preparation offered to those who wish to become more committed to Christ and to receive Holy Communion with their Christian brothers and sisters. It becomes a symbol of their oneness-in-Christ.
More information about Holy Communion and Confirmation can be found on the Church of England website: