Ministry of Caring

Part of the way we try to live out our faith is to offer care to those who are in need. Our Pastoral Care Group coordinates this ministry, working with our rector, and also with the many members of our church who offer support and friendship informally. Home and hospital visiting is offered throughout our parishes.
Sheltered Housing Services
For those who are no longer able to come to church we hold short services in our local sheltered housing complex, Somerset Court in Cheveley, and Songs of Praise services at Christmas and Easter. We also take communion to those who are housebound. If you know of anyone who has lost their link with church and might appreciate this ministry, please contact a churchwarden.
For those who have been bereaved
We offer our support to the family through our ministry at the time of the funeral, and later one of our Pastoral Visitors offers to come and spend time with a bereaved person - often just listening.
Each year, we hold an All Souls Service at one of the Churches within the group, inviting all the bereaved families for whom we have taken services. In this simple service of hymns, readings and prayers there is a sense of sharing together, and we are able to bring these shared feelings to God. During a hymn towards the end of the service, a member of each family is invited to come up and light a candle in memory of their loved one, and the names of those we are remembering are then read out. Many people have found this service to be helpful; all are welcome.