To help you through the difficult times

Bereavement is a time of many emotions –
Some happy, others sad. We can feel a mixture of anger, surprise, hurt, disbelief, and perhaps resentment or guilt. All of this brings grief.
Grief is a personal experience. There are recognised stages of grief. They are not always the same in different people, but they are all perfectly normal.
Bereavement is not like an illness. We do not ‘get over it’. Perhaps, one day, we might get used to it, to find a way to live with the loss of someone we love.
We cannot take away the pain or suffering of grief, but perhaps we can share it with you.
The church can offer to be with you, whilst you are adapting to the new way of life that bereavement brings.
(If you wish to contact us details are on the back page of this leaflet)
These prayers may help you as you grieve.
Father God, I come to you in my grief, trusting in your love for ……….. and for me. I know that death cannot separate me from your love, Lord.
Please increase my faith and help me to understand that you share my grief and will give me strength in my loss, through Jesus Christ. Amen.
Lord, I feel so lost and alone without ………….. Help me to know that you are with me every day of my life and that ………… is safe in your care. Give me the courage and strength that I need to face whatever the future holds and give me the peace that comes only from you. Amen.
God of all, who brought us to birth and in whose arms we die. In our sadness contain and comfort us, embrace us with your love, give us hope in our confusion and grace to let go into new life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
How to contact us.
Revd. Naomi Wormell (Rector)
01638 730857
Current Team:
Gillian White 01638 662044
Michael Jenkins 01638 731727
If you would like someone to talk to now or in the future, please contact one of the team, in confidence.
If you are unsure who to contact, please ring Naomi .