Parish Giving Scheme (PGS)

Parish Giving Scheme (PGS)
A modern, tax efficient way of managing giving to our church.
The church benefits by receiving a stable planned giving and an efficient reclaim of Gift Aid, reducing administration and paperwork.
The individual benefits by being in total control of their donation.
A simple, yet regular way to support our church.
The Direct Debit Guarantee Scheme protects the gifts.
It's easy to set up and manage. The PCC has been running the scheme for the past two years and it has proved very successful.
The diocese covers the administrative cost so it is free to churches and the Parish Giving Scheme team - do all the work!
Donors can ‘sign up’ online and to manage their PGS donation electronically.
So check out the latest information on the PGS website at CofE Parish Giving, where there is an information section specifically aimed at donors.