to St Mary & The Holy Host of Heaven, Cheveley

Registered Charity Number 245456
‘Working with the community’
St Mary’s is an Anglican Church at the heart of the community in Cheveley. We are a focus for worship and local community activity. We extend a warm welcome to all and trust that within our walls you will find peace and a sense of the presence of God. Our aim is to be an open, welcoming and inclusive Christian community where each person is welcomed and valued; where we can all share together in God’s love, praise and service. Please join us in our various acts of worship.
This leaflet is produced as a guide to our activities. Please feel free to take one with you.
The church is open every day from 9am to 5pm. In the winter months, 9.30am to 4pm.
To regular members of our congregation: It is a joy to have you with us. Thank you for your continued support.
To our visitors: We hope you enjoy your worship with us and that you have a pleasant stay in the area.
If you have recently moved into the area or have begun to worship at this church: We hope you will join us for refreshments and a chat after the service. If you require assistance, please ask!
Offerings to the church: If you are a U.K. taxpayer, please consider giving under the Gift Aid Scheme. This increases the value of your giving by 25% at no extra cost to yourself. Envelopes are available in the pews.
Would you consider a regular donation? There are ‘Planned Giving’ booklets on display.
First Sunday: Holy Communion at 11am.
Second Sunday: Lay Led Morning Prayer at 11 am.
Third Saturday: ‘Saturday Special’ from 3pm.
Third Sunday: Holy Communion at 11am.
Fourth Sunday: Lay led Morning Prayer at 11am.
Further information can be found here
Bible Study – A varied program. see Bible Study page for latest information and contacts.
Children’s Ministry:
'Little Angels' – for babies and toddlers and their carers held on the Second and Fourth Wednesday in each month at the church from 9.15am.
Contact see Little Angels page
‘Saturday Special’ – For children and families: have fun exploring faith topics. Third Saturday in the month from 3pm.
Contact - see Saturday Special page.
Note: There is a children’s activity area available for use by parents with children during Services.
Foodbank Collection Point- for Newmarket Open Door. Donations can be left in the basket in the church porch.
Going to School – Supporting Cheveley C of E Primary school. Class visits to the church and regular school services are held in the church.
Reflections - A coffee morning and much more on the Second Monday in the month from 10.30am at Somerset Court. Contact - see Reflections page.
Pastoral Care Group – Visiting the elderly or sick in their homes or in hospital and taking Communion to the housebound. Contact Revd Dr Naomi Wormell 01638 730857.
Special Services – Christmas, Easter and Remembrance Day are just a few in the annual calendar. See the church noticeboard or this website for more details.
Church Fete - A highlight of Cheveley's year is the annual church fete in June, with its light-hearted dog show, displays from Cheveley Primary School and many other stalls and attractions.
Further Information
For further information about services and activities, or to arrange a Baptism, Wedding or Funeral, please contact either:
Revd Dr Naomi Wormell
The Rectory, 132 High Street, Cheveley, CB8 9DG
01638 730857
Email: cheveleygrouprectory@outlook.com
Or one of the Churchwardens:
Mr James Hadlow
St Swithins, Church Lane, Cheveley, CB8 9DJ
Email: stmaryscheveley@gmail.com
Mrs Celia Bruce
34 Newmarket Road, Cheveley, CB8 9EQ
01638 731601
Email: stmaryscheveleytreasurer@btinternet.com
“We pray to be generous and visible people of Jesus Christ”