Lent 2025 – Gospel reflections

This year we are offering something different by way of a LENT COURSE. This is to read and reflect IN YOUR OWN TIME and IN YOUR OWN WAY on the gospel passages for the following Sundays throughout Lent.

Each week you are asked to read and reflect on the gospel for the following week, in your own time and in your own way. We will offer you some thoughts ourselves but only use these if you find them helpful. Feel free to do your own thing We would like to suggest two things:

Firstly that you find a little time each week for quiet and thoughtful reading of the set gospel for the following Sunday. We all have more or less busy lives and times for quiet and contemplation are often challenging to organise. But this is the way in which we can make time for God to speak to us, inspire and instruct us through his Holy Spirit.

Secondly that you try a DIFFERENT method of reflection from that which you customarily use. For instance:

  1. Read through the passage in one go. Then read it again very slowly and thoughtfully. Give yourself time to savour the words and see what strikes you. It may be a word or a phrase. Stay with that for as long as it feels comfortable and ask yourself some questions. Why did that strike me? Is there something in my life or present situation that these words connect with? Is God trying to tell me something? Pray for clarity is it is not apparent what this might be. Is there something in this word or phrase that I can apply to my life?
  2. As you read, imagine yourself in the scene depicted, perhaps as one of the main characters, perhaps as a bystander. Try to imagine the noise, the smells, the scenery. Ask yourself what you see and hear, what strikes you as particularly significant, and why that might be.
  3. If you are not used to quiet and silence it can be helpful to read the passage and then try to be still and quiet for a few minutes and let the words wash over you. Ask God to reveal what he wants you to learn from the passage. Don’t struggle, don’t try to work out for yourself what might be happening. Just give God time. If silence is difficult (as it is for many of us) start with just a few minutes and gradually lengthen it.
  4. If you really are so pressed for time that you really cannot dedicate even a few minutes for quiet contemplation, why not read the passage through a few times to familiarise yourself with it, then take it round with you in your head and have a think about it in the quiet moments of the day – waiting for an appointment, stuck in traffic, or while doing other activities which you don’t have to think about too much – how about when doing the washing up?
  5. Discuss the reading with a prayer partner, friend, or even someone who is not ‘churchy’?

There are many other ways to pray with scripture, but these will hopefully give you some ideas to get you started. Some people do find images and music helpful to reflection so we have included some suggestions as an appendix. Don’t feel that you have to use these – as with everything else, use what you find helpful: it is reading and reflecting on the gospel readings quietly that is the focus this Lent.

Each week come back to the website for the following week’s gospel and reflection. For those who do not have access to the internet we will try to make sure a few printed copies are in church each Sunday.

Each Sunday, there will be a short talk/sermon based on the gospel and a further short time for quiet reflection. And all through we shall be taking part with you.

So why not commit to finding some quiet time each week and commit to trying a new way of reading the gospel week by week, before you encounter it in church. God will bless your efforts richly.

Rev Naomi Wormell
Tony White



These are the readings for each week in Lent
To view, select the reading highlighted in green.

5th-8th March: Luke 4:1-13 (for the First Sunday in Lent)

10th-15th March: Luke 13:31-35  (for the Second Sunday in Lent)

17th-22nd March: Luke 13:1-9 (for the Third Sunday in Lent)

24th-29th March: Luke 15:1-3, 11b-27  (for the Fourth Sunday in Lent)

31st March-5th April : John 12:1-8  (for Passion Sunday)

7th April-12th April: Luke 23:1-49 (for Palm Sunday)


Here are some suggestions for music and images if you find them helpful:

9th March - First Sunday of Lent Luke 4:1-13

Image: Gustave Dore The Temptation by the Devil https://www.artbible.info/art/large/18.html

Music: Ah, holy Jesus (Cruger) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ut_hTzlUtF8

16th March - Second Sunday of Lent Luke 13:31-35 

Image: A variety of responses to Jesus’ desire to protect the people https://thevcs.org/lament-hen

Music: I heard the voice of Jesus say (Horatius Bonar) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUVCpF8-VuE

23rd March - Third Sunday of Lent Luke 13:1-9

30th March - Fourth Sunday of Lent (Mothering Sunday)
Luke 15:1-3, 11b-27 

Image: Rembrandt The Return of the Prodigal Son  https://www.artbible.info/art/large/370.html 

A variety of responses to the story of the prodigal son https://thevcs.org/prodigal-son

Music: Come to me, all who are weary (Dan Schutte) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tauqd8mEjRk

6th April - Fifth Sunday of Lent (Passion Sunday) John 12:1-8

Image: Anonymous Banquet of Simon of Bethany https://www.artbible.info/art/large/128.html

Music: Said Judas to Mary (Sydney Carter)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5Y5WF0cjpg

You raise me up (Rolf Lovland) https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=S-5dYq3xtfg

13th April - Palm Sunday Luke 23:1-49 

Image: Hans Memling Scenes from the Passion of Christ  https://www.artbible.info/art/large/351.html

Albrecht Durer Seven Sorrows Crucifixion https://www.artbible.info/art/large/858.html 

A variety of responses to the Crucifixion


https://thevcs.org/two-thieves   https://thevcs.org/casting-lots  https://thevcs.org/reinscribing-cross

Music: Above all powers (Michael W Smith) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWyG0mKPup8

Handel He was despised (Handel) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iG5NoRo337I

O sacred heard sore wounded (Bach) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_OBbjAfVrI