Work Completed on Woodditton Church Roof
Woodditton Church received the unwelcome attentions of lead thieves on two occasions in the spring and early summer of 2018. All of the lead from the south aisle roof was stolen in the first raid and over half of the lead from the north aisle in the second visit.
The decision was taken to replace the roofs with stainless steel (of little or no value to thieves) and to install a comprehensive motion-detecting and CCTV alarm system to supplement the measures already in place which had proved ineffective.
We are delighted to report that this work has now been completed (a photograph of the new roof is attached). It has taken almost exactly a year to raise the money, obtain the necessary permissions, obtain bat conservation approval and get the work done.

The total cost was £25,500 +VAT. We are grateful to a number of charities for their help. Cambridgeshire Historic Churches Trust generously awarded us £4,000 as a grant and £10,000 as an interest free loan which we are using to cover the VAT until we can reclaim this. The Garfield Weston Trust (£3,000) and Allchurches Trust Limited (£1,000) also contributed. The remainder was raised from the PCC’s reserves, and very generous help from church members, families whose children had been baptised in the church, and couples married in the church. The local community rallied around and contributed significantly in response to a door to door appeal. New to me was a crowdfunding effort, which raised over £700, mostly from people with no connection to the church. The generous response was an unexpected positive from a very distressing event. It has also been an unwelcome distraction from the purpose of the church and we are looking forward to refocusing on worship and mission – our real purpose.

So, thank you all for your support and encouragement over this last most difficult year. Please be assured that we are here to serve in whatever ways we can. Unfortunately, because of the church’s isolated situation it is not possible to have the church open at all times, and security is now more visible than we would like, but please be assured that a warm welcome awaits you at every service.
Tony White