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New Bin Calendar (you can't lose this one)
Volunteers: your community needs you
Are You a Winner?
If you are unable to attend church
please use: This Week’s Home Service
Do you want to hear a friendly voice praying or singing a hymn?
Call Daily HOPE, the new Church of England free-phone line to hear recordings of real people really praying and singing: 0800 804 8044. more details: CofE
Aerial photographs of our churches above © Terry Barry
A prayer for our journey
We praise and thank you, God of the journey,
For all your gifts to us in the past.
We look to you as fellow traveller and faithful companion on the way ahead.
Shelter and protect us from all harm and anxiety;
Give us grace to let go of all that holds us back;
And grant us courage to meet the new life you have promised us
In Jesus Christ our Lord