Click on images for more details 

When is it?
Good Friday Saturday Special!!


Join the Electoral Roll here

Plan ahead - Calling all Crafters and Gift Makers

If you are lonely.... Kirtling Care Group could help

Reflecting on the Gospel readings through Lent
Reading the gospels through Lent in your own time and in your own way.
This is a different kind of Bible Study which you can follow at home, alone or in company.


Volunteers: your community needs you

Are You a Winner?

If you are unable to attend church
please use:  This Week’s Home Service 

Do you want to hear a friendly voice praying or singing a hymn?
Call Daily HOPE, the new Church of England free-phone line to hear recordings of real people really praying and singing: 0800 804 8044. more details: CofE






Aerial photographs of our churches above © Terry Barry

All Are Welcome

Whoever you are, and whatever your reason for looking here, in the name of Christ we welcome you to our website.

Grace, mercy and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

We are members of the Church of England comprising the congregations of Ashley, Cheveley, Kirtling and Woodditton.As Christians, we believe in One God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God the Father created the world, his Son Jesus Christ saved the world through his death and Resurrection, and the Holy Spirit continues Christ's presence in the world to lead and inspire us.

We are here to love God and love our neighbour as ourselves through worship and service to our communities.

For Sunday services click: here and for Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals click: here

A prayer for our journey

We praise and thank you, God of the journey,
For all your gifts to us in the past.
We look to you as fellow traveller and faithful companion on the way ahead.
Shelter and protect us from all harm and anxiety;
Give us grace to let go of all that holds us back;
And grant us courage to meet the new life you have promised us
In Jesus Christ our Lord

Safeguarding in our Group.

We are committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have a Safeguarding Officer for our churches. Please click HERE for more information.